domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Dietas com baixo conteúdo protéico e elevado índice glicêmico para manutenção da perda de peso


Dietas com baixo conteúdo protéico e elevado índice glicêmico para manutenção da perda de peso
São Paulo, 09 de Dezembro de 2010

Estudos de dietas para controle do peso, ricas em proteínas ou com baixo índice glicêmico atingiram conclusões variadas, provavelmente devido ao fato de que os estudos possuíam poder insuficiente.


Pesquisadores publicaram, recentemente, no New England Journal of Medicine, um estudo em que avaliaram adultos sobrepeso de oito países europeus que perderam pelo menos 8% do peso corpóreo inicial com uma dieta pobre em calorias de 3,3 MJ (800 kcal). Os participantes foram randomicamente alocados, em desenho fatorial 2 x 2, a uma de cinco dieta ad libitum para evitar reganho de peso em período de 26 semanas: uma dieta pobre em proteínas e de baixo índice glicêmico, outra dieta pobre em proteínas e de elevado índice glicêmico, outra dieta rica em proteínas e de elevado índice glicêmico, outra dieta rica em proteínas e de baixo índice glicêmico ou à dieta controle.


No total, 1209 adultos foram rastreados (idade média = 41 anos; índice de massa corpórea = 34), dos quais 938 entraram na fase de dieta pobre em calorias no estudo. Um total de 773 participantes que completaram a fase foi randomicamente alocado a uma das cinco dietas de manutenção; 548 completaram a fase de intervenção (71%). Menor número de participantes nos grupos de dieta rica em proteínas e de baixo índice glicêmico que no grupo de dieta pobre em proteínas e alto índice glicêmico abandonou o estudo (26,4% e 25,6%, respectivamente, versus 37,4%; P = 0,02 e P = 0,01 para as comparações respectivas). A média de perda inicial de peso com dieta pobre em calorias foi de 11 kg. Na análise de participantes que completaram o estudo, apenas a dieta pobre em proteínas e de alto índice glicêmico associou-se a reganho de peso subseqüente significativo (1,67 kg; IC95% = 0,48 – 2,87). À análise por intenção de tratar, o reganho de peso foi 0,93 kg menor (IC95% = 0,33 – 1,57) nos grupos alocados para dietas de baixo índice glicêmico que nos grupos alocados para dietas de alto índice glicêmico (P = 0,003). A análise envolvendo participantes que completaram a fase de intervenção produziu resultados semelhantes. Os grupos não diferiram significativamente com respeito aos eventos adversos relacionados à dieta.


Os pesquisadores concluíram que, neste grande estudo europeu, um aumento modesto do conteúdo protéico e redução modesta no índice glicêmico levou à melhora dos índices de estudo completo e de manutenção da perda de peso.

Uma resenha de Diets with high or low protein content and glycemic index for weight-loss maintenance - New England Journal of Medicine; 2010;363:2102 – 2113

As resenhas são baseadas em artigos de periódicos nacionais e internacionais que contenham informações médicas com aplicabilidade prática.

Copyright ® 2008: São Paulo Medical Conferences - Todos os direitos reservados sobre a resenha em português.
"O conteúdo desta página é de responsabilidade da São Paulo Medical."




domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

quieres que tus hijos coman vegetales

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From: Pedro Arellano <>
Date: 2011/2/20
Subject: [cibermedicos] New link
To: Claudio Mori Gonzales <>

Pedro Arellano posted in cibermedicos.
Pedro Arellano 2:48pm Feb 20
Flavours in mothers milk may determine the foods children like
Mothers wanting their children to eat their greens should consume plenty of vegetables themselves while breast feeding, new research has suggested.

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quieres que tus hijos coman ensaladas

Flavours in mothers milk may determine the foods children like

Mothers wanting their children to eat their greens should consume plenty of vegetables themselves while breast feeding, new research has suggested.

Flavours in mothers milk may determine the foods children like
Babies are typically exposed to low levels of flavour compounds from the food their mothers are eating through their breast milk Photo: GETTY

Scientists have discovered that babies' taste buds are primed between the two and five months after birth by the flavours they are exposed to and this can influence their preferences in later life.

Researchers found that children fed a bitter and sour tasting milk formula during these early months of their life continued to like its taste as they grew older and even into adolescence.

Those who were given the milk formula for the first time at six months old rejected the drink.

Dr Gary Beauchamp, director of the Monell Chemical Senses Center, in Philadelphia, who led the research, said it appeared that children's exposure to flavours during these key first few months of their life shaped their taste preferences and therefore food choices in later life.

Babies are typically exposed to low levels of flavour compounds from the food their mothers are eating through their breast milk.

Dr Beauchamp believes breastfeeding mothers can "prime" their children's taste buds to be familiar with fruit and vegetables by eating them themselves. In contrast formula milk is "bland and constant tasting", he said.

"We have demonstrated that there is a very sensitive period between two and five months of age when infants will learn to like these milk formulas," he said.

"This learned preference for formula milk will last at least into adolescence and we believe for their entire lives.

"By exposing infants at this very sensitive period is appears to be possible to make them like something that they would otherwise deem to be horrible.

"If we could enhance consumption of vegetables amongst pregnant and nursing women, it ought to impact on their children's later food choices and result in healthier eating.

"We have yet to do this work, but we would like to run a large-scale trial to see if this would be the case."

Dr Beauchamp presented his findings at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington yesterday. The study has also been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Taste preferences are generated through a combination of inherited genes which leaves individuals more sensitive to certain taste and odour molecules.

Earlier research has also shown that infants are exposed to small quantities of their mother's diet while in the womb which can help to prime some of their preferences.

The latest findings now add to the evidence that exposure to different tastes during early life has an impact on what people like and dislike eating as they grow older.

They will also fuel about whether breast feeding babies is better than giving them formula milk.

Campaigners insist that breast feeding can give children a better start as it boosts immune systems as well as being linked to lower risks of heart disease, obesity and cancer in later life.

Dr Beauchamp said: "There is some evidence that if children are exposed to variety, they are more likely to go after a wide variety of food.

"In the breast fed infant, they are routinely exposed to variation in flavours through their mothers milk. In the typical formula milk fed infant, they are exposed to an extremely bland and constant tasting food.

"One concern we have with formula feeding is that infants do not get the varied sensory experience that children who are breast fed get.

"Nutritionally the formula milk is almost identical to human milk as is possible, but from a sensory point of view formula milk is impoverished."

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Conferencia Cientifica Magistral VAGATARIANISMO Y...

Maximo Cuadros Chavez posted in cibermedicos.
Conferencia Cientifica Magistral VAGATARIANISMO Y CARDIOPATIA Dr. Julio Cesar Acosta Navarro 10 de febrero  7 pm. Auditorio Pedro Weiss
Maximo Cuadros Chavez 4:45pm Feb 3
Conferencia Cientifica Magistral
Dr. Julio Cesar Acosta Navarro
10 de febrero 7 pm.
Auditorio Pedro Weiss


Maximo Cuadros Chavez posted in cibermedicos.
Conferencia Cientifica Magistral VAGATARIANISMO Y CARDIOPATIA Dr. Julio Cesar Acosta Navarro 10 de febrero  7 pm. Auditorio Pedro Weiss
Maximo Cuadros Chavez 4:45pm Feb 3
Conferencia Cientifica Magistral
Dr. Julio Cesar Acosta Navarro
10 de febrero 7 pm.
Auditorio Pedro Weiss

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miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011


Maximo Cuadros Chavez posted in cibermedicos.Maximo Cuadros Chavez5:44pm Jan 31
15 de febrero 2011
Dr. Steven Abrams
Director Médico del programa de Nutrición Neonatal y Profesor de Pediatría del Baylor College of Medicine de Houston, Texas. U.S.A.
Editor Asociado, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Miembro del Comité de Nutrición de la Academia Americana de Pediatría.
Vitamina D: ¿Una cura para el raquitismo o una cura para todo?Mitos y realidades acerca de la vitamina D, sus recomendaciones, limitaciones y condiciones de riesgo/beneficios.
Auditorio principal del Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Av. Edgardo Rebagliati Martins S/N - Jesús María
19:00 HORAS
Si desea constancia, sírvase solicitarla a la secretaría
Sociedad Peruana de Nutrición (SOPENUT). Jr. Enrique Palacios 386 – Miraflores (4 a 7 pm)
Telf. 242-1292;
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---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: Maximo Cuadros Chavez <>
Fecha: 31 de enero de 2011 17:49
Para: Claudio Mori Gonzales <>

Maximo Cuadros Chavez posted in cibermedicos.
SOCIEDAD PERUANA DE NUTRICIÓN (SOPENUT)  REUNIÓN CIENTÍFICA  15 de febrero 2011     EXPOSITORES:   Dr. Steven Abrams  Director Médico del programa de Nutrición Neonatal y Profesor de Pediatría del Baylor College of Medicine de Houston, Texas. U.S.A.  Editor Asociado, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  Miembro del Comité de Nutrición de la Academia Americana de Pediatría.  (; culty/index.cfm?pmid=9513   TEMA:  Vitamina D: ¿Una cura para el raquitismo o una cura para todo?Mitos y realidades acerca de la vitamina D, sus recomendaciones, limitaciones y condiciones de riesgo/beneficios.      LUGAR:     Auditorio principal del Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Av. Edgardo Rebagliati Martins S/N - Jesús María     19:00 HORAS  INGRESO  LIBRE  Si desea constancia, sírvase solicitarla a la secretaría Sociedad Peruana de Nutrición  (SOPENUT). Jr. Enrique Palacios 386 – Miraflores (4 a 7 pm) Telf. 242-1292;
Maximo Cuadros Chavez 5:44pm Jan 31


15 de febrero 2011


Dr. Steven Abrams

Director Médico del programa de Nutrición Neonatal y Profesor de Pediatría del Baylor College of Medicine de Houston, Texas. U.S.A.

Editor Asociado, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Miembro del Comité de Nutrición de la Academia Americana de Pediatría.

(; culty/index.cfm?pmid=9513


Vitamina D: ¿Una cura para el raquitismo o una cura para todo?Mitos y realidades acerca de la vitamina D, sus recomendaciones, limitaciones y condiciones de riesgo/beneficios.


Auditorio principal del Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Av. Edgardo Rebagliati Martins S/N - Jesús María

19:00 HORAS


Si desea constancia, sírvase solicitarla a la secretaría
Sociedad Peruana de Nutrición (SOPENUT). Jr. Enrique Palacios 386 – Miraflores (4 a 7 pm)
Telf. 242-1292;

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