domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

HALLS,mentolito bueno para la mujer, MALO para el hombre?

Phytother Res. 2007 May;21(5):444-7.
Effect of spearmint (Mentha spicata Labiatae) teas on androgen levels in women with hirsutism.
Akdoğan M, Tamer MN, Cüre E, Cüre MC, Köroğlu BK, Delibaş N.
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.
Mentha spicata Labiatae, known as spearmint and Mentha piperita Labiatae, known as peppermint can be used for various kinds of illnesses in herbal medicine and flavoring in industry. M. spicata Labiatae grows on the Anamas plateau of Yenithornarbademli town of Isparta, located in southwest part of Turkey. In this town, clinicians thought that consumption of tea steeped with M. spicata or M. piperita caused a diminished libido. Because antiandrogenic effects of spearmint and peppermint were found previously in rats, it was decided to observe the effect of this herbal tea on the androgen levels in hirsute women.Twenty-one female hirsute patients, 12 with polycystic ovary syndrome and 9 with idiopathic hirsutism were included to the study. They were took a cup of herbal tea which was steeped with M. spicata for 5 days twice a day in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycles. After treatment with spearmint teas, there was a significant decrease in free testosterone and increase in luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol. There were no significant decreases in total testosterone or dehydroepiandrostenedione sulphate levels. Spearmint can be an alternative to antiandrogenic treatment for mild hirsutism. Further studies are needed to test the reliability of these results and the availability of spearmint as a drug for hirsutism.
Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
PMID: 17310494 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Phytother Res. 2010 Feb;24(2):186-8.
Spearmint herbal tea has significant anti-androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. A randomized controlled trial.
Grant P.
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Eastbourne District General Hospital, Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK.
Hirsutism in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), consequent to elevated androgen levels leads to significant cosmetic and psychological problems. Recent research in Turkey has shown that spearmint tea has antiandrogenic properties in females with hirsutism. No research has yet been undertaken to assess whether a reduction in androgen levels brought about by spearmint tea, translates to a clinical improvement in the degree of hirsutism. This study was a two centre, 30 day randomized controlled trial. Forty two volunteers were randomized to take spearmint tea twice a day for a 1 month period and compared with a placebo herbal tea. At 0, 15 and 30 days of the study serum androgen hormone levels and gonadotrophins were checked, the degree of hirsutism was clinically rated using the Ferriman-Galwey score and a questionnaire (the modified DQLI = Dermatology Quality of Life Index) was used to assess improvements in the level of self-reported hirsutism. Forty one of 42 patients completed the study. Free and total testosterone levels were significantly reduced over the 30 day period in the spearmint tea group (p < 0.05). LH and FSH also increased (p < 0.05). Patient's subjective assessments of their degree of hirsutism scored by the modified DQLI were significantly reduced in the spearmint tea group (p < 0.05). There was, however, no significant reduction in the objective Ferriman-Galwey ratings of hirsutism between the two trial groups over the trial duration (p = 0.12). There was a clear and significant alteration in the relevant hormone levels. This is associated clinically with a reduction in the self-reported degree of hirsutism but unfortunately not with the objectively rated score. It was demonstrated and confirmed that spearmint has antiandrogen properties, the simple fact that this does not clearly translate into clinical practice is due to the relationship between androgen hormones and follicular hair growth and cell turnover time. Simply put, the study duration was not long enough. The original studies from Turkey were in fact only 5 days long. The time taken for hirsutism to resolve is significant and a much longer future study is proposed as the preliminary findings are encouraging that spearmint has the potential for use as a helpful and natural treatment for hirsutism in PCOS.
(c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Urology. 2004 Aug;64(2):394-8.
Effects of peppermint teas on plasma testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone levels and testicular tissue in rats.
Akdogan M, Ozguner M, Kocak A, Oncu M, Cicek E.
Department of Biochemistry, Suleyman Demirel University Medical School, Isparta, Turkey.
OBJECTIVES: To justify the effects of Mentha piperita labiatae and Mentha spicata labiatae herbal teas on plasma total testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone levels and testicular histologic features. We performed this study because of major complaints in our area from men about the adverse effects of these herbs on male reproductive function.
METHODS: The experimental study included 48 male Wistar albino rats (body weight 200 to 250 g). The rats were randomized into four groups of 12 rats each. The control group was given commercial drinking water, and the experimental groups were given 20 g/L M. piperita tea, 20 g/L M. spicata tea, or 40 g/L M. spicata tea.
RESULTS: The follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels had increased and total testosterone levels had decreased in the experimental groups compared with the control group; the differences were statistically significant. Also, the Johnsen testicular biopsy scores were significantly different statistically between the experimental groups and the control group. Although the mean seminiferous tubular diameter of the experimental groups was relatively greater than in the control group, the difference was not statistically significant. The only effects of M. piperita on testicular tissue was segmental maturation arrest in the seminiferous tubules; however, the effects of M. spicata extended from maturation arrest to diffuse germ cell aplasia in relation to the dose.
CONCLUSIONS: Despite the beneficial effects of M. piperita and M. spicata in digestion, we should also be aware of the toxic effects when the herbs are not used in the recommended fashion or at the recommended dose.





You will remember a little of what you hear, some of what you read, considerably more of what you see but almost all of what you understand

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: C.E.A.I. <>
Date: 2011/3/20
Subject: [SALUD_LORETO] OPINION? HALLS, bueno para la mujer, MALO para el hombre?
To: Salud Loreto <>, Ivan Alejandro <>, Adolfo Alfaro <>, Carlos Mariano Alfaro Asmad <>, Mariano Alfaro <>


Phytother Res. 2007 May;21(5):444-7.

Effect of spearmint (Mentha spicata Labiatae) teas on androgen levels in women with hirsutism.

Akdoğan M, Tamer MN, Cüre E, Cüre MC, Köroğlu BK, Delibaş N.

Department of Clinical Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.


Mentha spicata Labiatae, known as spearmint and Mentha piperita Labiatae, known as peppermint can be used for various kinds of illnesses in herbal medicine and flavoring in industry. M. spicata Labiatae grows on the Anamas plateau of Yenithornarbademli town of Isparta, located in southwest part of Turkey. In this town, clinicians thought that consumption of tea steeped with M. spicata or M. piperita caused a diminished libido. Because antiandrogenic effects of spearmint and peppermint were found previously in rats, it was decided to observe the effect of this herbal tea on the androgen levels in hirsute women.Twenty-one female hirsute patients, 12 with polycystic ovary syndrome and 9 with idiopathic hirsutism were included to the study. They were took a cup of herbal tea which was steeped with M. spicata for 5 days twice a day in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycles. After treatment with spearmint teas, there was a significant decrease in free testosterone and increase in luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol. There were no significant decreases in total testosterone or dehydroepiandrostenedione sulphate levels. Spearmint can be an alternative to antiandrogenic treatment for mild hirsutism. Further studies are needed to test the reliability of these results and the availability of spearmint as a drug for hirsutism.

Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

PMID: 17310494 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Phytother Res. 2010 Feb;24(2):186-8.

Spearmint herbal tea has significant anti-androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. A randomized controlled trial.

Grant P.

Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Eastbourne District General Hospital, Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK.


Hirsutism in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), consequent to elevated androgen levels leads to significant cosmetic and psychological problems. Recent research in Turkey has shown that spearmint tea has antiandrogenic properties in females with hirsutism. No research has yet been undertaken to assess whether a reduction in androgen levels brought about by spearmint tea, translates to a clinical improvement in the degree of hirsutism. This study was a two centre, 30 day randomized controlled trial. Forty two volunteers were randomized to take spearmint tea twice a day for a 1 month period and compared with a placebo herbal tea. At 0, 15 and 30 days of the study serum androgen hormone levels and gonadotrophins were checked, the degree of hirsutism was clinically rated using the Ferriman-Galwey score and a questionnaire (the modified DQLI = Dermatology Quality of Life Index) was used to assess improvements in the level of self-reported hirsutism. Forty one of 42 patients completed the study. Free and total testosterone levels were significantly reduced over the 30 day period in the spearmint tea group (p < 0.05). LH and FSH also increased (p < 0.05). Patient's subjective assessments of their degree of hirsutism scored by the modified DQLI were significantly reduced in the spearmint tea group (p < 0.05). There was, however, no significant reduction in the objective Ferriman-Galwey ratings of hirsutism between the two trial groups over the trial duration (p = 0.12). There was a clear and significant alteration in the relevant hormone levels. This is associated clinically with a reduction in the self-reported degree of hirsutism but unfortunately not with the objectively rated score. It was demonstrated and confirmed that spearmint has antiandrogen properties, the simple fact that this does not clearly translate into clinical practice is due to the relationship between androgen hormones and follicular hair growth and cell turnover time. Simply put, the study duration was not long enough. The original studies from Turkey were in fact only 5 days long. The time taken for hirsutism to resolve is significant and a much longer future study is proposed as the preliminary findings are encouraging that spearmint has the potential for use as a helpful and natural treatment for hirsutism in PCOS.

(c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Urology. 2004 Aug;64(2):394-8.

Effects of peppermint teas on plasma testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone levels and testicular tissue in rats.

Akdogan M, Ozguner M, Kocak A, Oncu M, Cicek E.

Department of Biochemistry, Suleyman Demirel University Medical School, Isparta, Turkey.


OBJECTIVES: To justify the effects of Mentha piperita labiatae and Mentha spicata labiatae herbal teas on plasma total testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone levels and testicular histologic features. We performed this study because of major complaints in our area from men about the adverse effects of these herbs on male reproductive function.

METHODS: The experimental study included 48 male Wistar albino rats (body weight 200 to 250 g). The rats were randomized into four groups of 12 rats each. The control group was given commercial drinking water, and the experimental groups were given 20 g/L M. piperita tea, 20 g/L M. spicata tea, or 40 g/L M. spicata tea.

RESULTS: The follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels had increased and total testosterone levels had decreased in the experimental groups compared with the control group; the differences were statistically significant. Also, the Johnsen testicular biopsy scores were significantly different statistically between the experimental groups and the control group. Although the mean seminiferous tubular diameter of the experimental groups was relatively greater than in the control group, the difference was not statistically significant. The only effects of M. piperita on testicular tissue was segmental maturation arrest in the seminiferous tubules; however, the effects of M. spicata extended from maturation arrest to diffuse germ cell aplasia in relation to the dose.

CONCLUSIONS: Despite the beneficial effects of M. piperita and M. spicata in digestion, we should also be aware of the toxic effects when the herbs are not used in the recommended fashion or at the recommended dose.

You will remember a little of what you hear, some of what you read, considerably more of what you see but almost all of what you understand



lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Los poderes sanadores de la miel
Los poderes sanadores de la miel. Aquí va unida la canela

Canela y miel son las únicas substancias alimenticias  en el planeta que no se echan a perder ni se pudren. Aunque su contenido se puede convertir en azucares, de todas formas la miel siempre es miel.

Si la miel se deja por largos periodos de tiempo en un lugar oscuro se cristalizara. Cuando esto pase abra la tapa y con el calor de agua hervida, déjela derretirse. La miel estará tan buena como cuando nueva.
Nunca hierva la miel ni la ponga en el microondas, de esta manera se matan sus enzimas. La canela y la miel (y esto no les gustara a las compañías de medicamentos) , pueden curar muchas enfermedades.

La miel es producida por la mayoría de los países del mundo. La ciencia acepta a la miel como un medio muy efectivo para tratar enfermedades. La miel puede ser utilizada sin dar efectos secundarios y tomada en la dosis correcta, aunque sea dulce, no afecta a los diabéticos.

'Weekly World News'. Una revista en Canadá (17.01.1995) produjo una lista de enfermedades que pueden ser curadas con miel y canela:

- Enfermedades del Corazón
Haga una pasta de miel y canela, aplique todas las mañanas en pan, en vez de mermelada y cómala regularmente como parte del desayuno. Esto reducirá el colesterol en las arterias y prevendrá en el paciente ataques al corazón. Además, aquellos que ya hayan pasado por un ataque al corazón, si siguen este proceso, estarán protegidos de sufrir un siguiente ataque al corazón. El uso regular de estas substancias ayuda a retener el aliento sano y a fortalecer el músculo y el movimiento rítmico del corazón.
En Estados Unidos y Canadá, varios asilos de ancianos han curado  pacientes con mucho éxito pacientes que cuyas venas han perdido flexibilidad y se han tapado. La miel y la canela las revitalizan.

- Artritis
Pacientes con artritis pueden tomar diariamente por las mañanas y las noches una taza de agua caliente con dos cucharadas de miel y una cucharada pequeña de canela en polvo. Si se toma regularmente incluso la artritis crónica puede ser curada. Recientes investigaciones por la Universidad de Copenhagen demostraron que aquellos doctores que trataron a sus pacientes con una mezcla de una cucharada de miel y media cucharadita de canela antes del desayuno, corroboraron que en una semana, de 200 pacientes, 73 ya no sentían dolores artríticos y al mes, casi todos los pacientes que no podian ni caminar o moverse por los  dolores, se movían sin sentir dolores.

- Digestión
La canela esparcida en dos cucharadas de miel tomadas antes de las comidas pueden reducir la acidez y digerir hasta los alimentos mas pesados.

- Catarros y Resfríes
Un científico en España ha comprobado que la miel contiene un ingrediente natural que mata los gérmenes de la influenza y que protege a los pacientes del catarro.

- Longevidad
El te hecho con miel y canela, tomado regularmente disminuye los daños causados por la edad avanzada en los tejidos. Tome cuatro cucharadas de miel, una de canela en polvo y tres tazas de agua hirviendo para hacer un te. Tome un cuarto de taza, tres a cuatro veces al dia. Mantiene a la piel fresca y disminuye los daños causados por el envejecimiento de tejidos y radicales libres, alargando el periodo de vitalidad regularmente a mas de 100 años.

- Infecciones de la Vejiga
Tome dos cucharaditas de canela en polvo y una cucharada sopera de miel  en un vaso de agua tibia y bebalo normalmente. Destruirá los gérmenes en la vejiga

- Colesterol
Dos cucharadas miel y tres cucharaditas de canela en polvo mezcladas con  16 onzas de te administrados a un paciente con altos niveles de colesterol, redujeron sus niveles en la sangre un 10 por ciento en las primeras dos horas del tratamiento. Como mencionado anteriormente para pacientes artríticos, si tomado tres veces al día, cualquier enfermedad de colesterol crónica es curada. De acuerdo a la información en esta revista, la miel pura tomada como alimento a diario ayuda a reducir el colesterol.

- Resfriados
Aquellos que sufren de severo resfrio pueden tomar una cucharada de miel   tibia con 1/4 de cucharadita de canela por espacio de tres días. Este proceso cura cualquier resfrío y aclara la sinusitis.

- Estómago
Miel tomada con canela también ayuda a curar el estomago, aclara y hasta cura ulceras completamente.

- Gases
Estudios hechos en India y Japón revelan que la miel y la canela reducen el gas en el sistema digestivo.

-   Sistema Inmunológico
El uso diario de miel y canela en polvo fortifica al sistema inmunológico y protege al cuerpo de bacterias y virus. Científicos han encontrado en la miel varias vitaminas e hierro en grandes cantidades.
El uso constante de la miel fortifica las células blancas de la sangre y protege de enfermedades.

- Espinillas
Tres cucharadas de miel y una de canela en polvo, haciendo una pasta, se puede aplicar a espinillas antes de dormir, lavándose al siguiente día con agua tibia. Si se realiza por dos semanas, desaparecerá espinillas
desde la raíz.

- Infecciones de la Piel

La aplicación de miel y canela en partes iguales en las partes afectadas curan el eczema y todo tipo de infecciones de la piel.

-  Perdida de Peso
En las mañanas, media hora antes del desayuno y antes de ir a dormir, beber una taza de agua previamente hervida con miel y canela. Si se bebe  regularmente, reduce el peso de hasta la persona más obesa. También, el beber la mezcla regularmente no permite a las grasas acumularse en el cuerpo aun si la persona lleva una dieta alta en calorías.

- Cáncer
Recientes estudios en Japón y Australia han demostrado que canceres avanzados de estomago y huesos han sido totalmente curados. Pacientes sufriendo de estos canceres deberán tomar diariamente una cuchara de miel y una de canela por espacio de un mes tres veces al día.

- Fatiga
Estudios han comprobado que el contenido de azúcar en la miel ayuda y no debilita la cantidad de fuerza en el cuerpo. Personas de la tercera edad que toman miel y canela en partes iguales, están más alertas y son mas flexibles. El Dr. Milton, que ha hecho la investigación, dice que un vaso con una cucharada de miel y espolvoreado de canela todos los días al levantarse y a las tres de la tarde, cuando la vitalidad del cuerpo empieza a disminuir, incrementa la vitalidad del cuerpo en el espacio de solo una semana.

- Halitosis, (Mal Aliento)
Personas en Suramérica suelen hacer gárgaras con una cucharada de miel y canela en agua caliente, conservando el aliento fresco por todo el día.

- Perdida del Sentido del Oído
A diario, miel con canela en partes iguales ayuda a reparar tejido dañado de los oídos. Que no recuerda en su niñez haber comido pan tostado con mantequilla y canela..

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